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Home > Exhibits > Livestock Exhibits > Dairy



Superintendent: Keith Duske. 5700 Cushing Ave SW. Waverly, MN. 55390. 763-658-4728

  1. All registered and grade will be combined into one class.
  2. Exhibitors must furnish their own hay, straw, and feed. Due to limited space, supplies cannot be stored in the stalls. Once all cattle are stalled some areas for supplies may be designated.
  3. Exhibitors may exhibit any entry in all 3 shows. Any exhibit in 4-H, FFA, and Open Class may enter any show, provided the proper registration is received for each entry in each show by the date entries are set to close for each show. This rule must be strictly adhered to in order to provide accurate placing recording at each show. Any entry not on the pre-printed entry listing cannot receive a premium.
  4. Entry Fee: $3.00 per head. Mail check and entry form (located at the beginning of the premium listings) before July 6th. Mail Dairy entries to Keith Duske at address listed above. There is no entry fee for FFA exhibitors.
  5. Entries accepted on a first come, first-serve basis until barns are full.
  6. Judging begins with the 4-H show at 8:00 AM FRIDAY, followed by the Open Class and FFA cow classes, then take a lunch break. The Youth Division Show will be the first class following lunch break.
  7. The Open Class Dairy and FFA show will begin immediately following the 4-H Dairy Show.
  8. The Open Class and FFA Dairy show will begin with the milking age classes beginning with lot 9 through lot 17 and Lot 21 Best Udder. Following the milking age classes, a lunch break will be held. The Open Class Youth Division Show will be the first class after lunch break using both rings. Following the Youth division, the young female classes 1-8 will be judged. The group classes, Open Class lots 18-20 will be the final classes judged.
  9. The FFA Classes will be judged in the same ring at the same time as the open class. If an exhibit is entered in both of these shows it will receive a placing, ribbon and premium for both shows. Lots 1-19 are the same for both shows. Both shows will be recognized and announced by the judge and the announcers.
  10. No bull classes are offered in the Wright County Fair Open Class Dairy Show.
  11. All Open Class and FFA cattle must be checked in at the 4-H Livestock check in by 12:00 PM Wednesday.
  12. ALL Dairy exhibitors must attend a required exhibitor meeting at 8:30 PM on Wednesday evening. This includes 4-H, FFA, and Open Class.
  13. All animals in group classes must have been exhibited in their respective classes by the exhibitor of the group.
  14. It is expected that barn chores are completed, and the cattle and barns are ready for the public to visit by 12:00 PM Wednesday through Sunday of the fair.
The Minnesota Board of Animal Health announces new testing requirements for lactating dairy cows effective Tuesday, June 18. All lactating (currently producing milk) dairy cows must have both a negative H5N1 test result and Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) to attend any exhibition in Minnesota. The requirements are effective until December 31, 2024. Read the full news release on their website.

CLASS 1 - Holsteins



  • 1st - $15.00
  • 2nd - $12.00
  • 3rd - $10.00
  • 4th - $8.00
  • 5th - $7.00


1. Spring Heifer Calf born 3/1/24 - 5/31/24
2. Winter Heifer Calf born 12/1/23 - 2/28/24
3. Fall Heifer Calf born 9/1/23 - 11/30/23
4. Summer Yearling Heifer born 6/1/23 - 8/31/23
5. Spring Yearling Heifer born 3/1/23 - 5/31/23
6. Winter Yearling Heifer born 12/1/22 - 2/28/23
7. Fall Yearling Heifer born 9/1/22 - 11/30/22
8. Junior Best Three Females; 3 animals under 2 years of age, none of which have freshened. Each exhibitor is limited to one entry.

  • 1st - $25.00
  • 2nd - $22.00
  • 3rd - $20.00
  • 4th - $17.00
  • 5th - $16.00


9. Unfresh 2 year old born 6/1/22 - 8/31/22
10. Junior 2 year old in Milk born 3/1/22 - 8/31/22
11. Senior 2 year old in Milk born 9/1/21 - 2/28/22
12. Junior 3 year old in Milk born 3/1/21 - 8/31/21
13. Senior 3 year old in Milk born 9/1/20 - 2/28/21
14. Cow 4 year old in Milk born 9/1/19 - 8/31/20
15. Cow 5 year old in Milk born 9/1/18 - 8/31/19
16. Aged Cow in Milk born before 9/1/18
17. Dry Cow
18. Best Three Females - Any age, all bred and at least one owned by exhibitor. Exhibitors limited to one entry.
19. Produce of Dam consisting of two females, any age, the produce of one-cow. The dam must be named. Exhibitors limited to one entry from the same dam.
20. Dam & Daughter consisting of one Dam and one Daughter of the Dam. Exhibitors limited to one entry.
21. Best Udder of Breed. Exhibitors limited to one entry per exhibitor.



CLASS 2 - Guernsey
CLASS 3 - Jersey
CLASS 4 - Ayrshire
CLASS 5 - Brown Swiss
CLASS 6 - Milking Shorthorn
CLASS 7 - Crossbred
CLASS 8 - Red & White Holstein

CLASS 9 - Dairy Youth Division

  • Open to all children too young for the 4-H DAIRY show. All participants receive a ribbon only.
  • The child must be able to walk on their own and hold the halter lead. Child may be accompanied by adult.
  • Youth exhibiting in any 4-H classes are NOT eligible for this show.
  • Calves brought in for this Class 9 only are not required to stay for the duration of the fair, but all must have state approved vaccination ID tags and follow the same health rules for all cattle exhibited at the fair.
  • This division allows unfreshened DAIRY calves and yearlings only. PLEASE NO MILKING COWS. Please note this is a DAIRY Youth Division.
  • Youth Division Show will be the first class after lunch break (Approximately 2:00 PM)
  • Contact Superintendent with questions. Pre entry for Class 9 only is appreciated, but not required.

CLASS 10 – Holsteins FFA



  • 1st - $18.00
  • 2nd - $16.00
  • 3rd - $12.00
  • 4th - $10.00
  • 5th - $8.00

1. Spring Heifer Calf born 3/1/24 - 5/31/24
2. Winter Heifer Calf born 12/1/23 - 2/28/24
3. Fall Heifer Calf born 9/1/23 - 11/30/23
4. Summer Yearling Heifer born 6/1/23 - 8/31/23
5. Spring Yearling Heifer born 3/1/23 - 5/31/23
6. Winter Yearling Heifer born 12/1/22 - 2/28/23
7. Fall Yearling Heifer born 9/1/22 - 11/30/22
8. Junior Best Three Females; 3 animals under 2 years of age, none of which have freshened. Each exhibitor is limited to one entry.
9. Unfresh 2 year old born 6/1/22 - 8/31/22
10. Junior 2 year old in Milk born 3/1/22 - 8/31/22
11. Senior 2 year old in Milk born 9/1/21 - 2/28/22
12. Junior 3 year old in Milk born 3/1/21 - 8/31/21
13. Senior 3 year old in Milk born 9/1/20 - 2/28/21
14. Cow 4 year old in Milk born 9/1/19 - 8/31/20
15. Cow 5 year old in Milk born 9/1/18 - 8/31/19
16. Aged Cow in Milk born before 9/1/18
17. Dry Cow
18. Best Three Females - Any age, all bred and at least one owned by exhibitor. Exhibitors limited to one entry.
19. Produce of Dam consisting of two females, any age, the produce of one-cow. The dam must be named. Exhibitors limited to one entry from the same dam.
20. Dam & Daughter consisting of one Dam and one Daughter of the Dam. Exhibitors limited to one entry.
21. Best Udder of Breed. Exhibitors limited to one entry per exhibitor.



CLASS 11 - Guernsey FFA
CLASS 12 - Jersey FFA
CLASS 13 - Ayrshire FFA
CLASS 14 - Brown Swiss FFA
CLASS 15 – Milking Shorthorn FFA
CLASS 16 - Crossbred FFA
CLASS 17 - Red & White Holstein

Thank You to our Event Sponsors

Federated Co-op
Fair Friend Sponsor
Leedstone Equipment
Fair Friend Sponsor
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