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Home > Exhibits > General Exhibits > General Exhibit Divisions > DIVISION 'G' GARDEN VEGETABLES



Superintendent: Jerry Quaal. 2498 85th St. NE, Monticello, MN 55362, 763-295-3315

Preparation for Exhibit

• Snap Beans: Harvest before constrictions appear between seeds when seeds are about half grown. Ends of pods should not be broken off in picking. Pods should be uniform. Pods may be wiped clean, but not washed.

• Beets, Carrots, Parsnips, Rutabagas: Root crops should be mature but not overgrown, pithy or coarse in texture. Tops should be trimmed to 1½" above crown. Side roots should be trimmed off but not the top root. Roots can be washed but not scrubbed.

• Broccoli: Heads should be dark or purplish green and compact. Avoid yellow flowers in head. Leave on about a 5" stem.

• Cabbage: Cut stem about ½ inch below the head. Remove blemished or broken leaves but take care not to peel the heads too much. A few outside wrapper leaves are desirable. Specimens may be washed.

• Cauliflower: Heads should be white, compact and free of small leaves and ricy texture. Cut stems to leave 4 to 6 leaves. Outer leaves should be trimmed 1 or 2 inches above the white head. Use a soft bristled brush to remove dirt.

• Celery: Remove roots of stalk and trim butt to form a triangle or pyramid. Trim diseased and broken leaves on the outside until green color is uniform.

• Sweet Corn: Select ears that are well filled out to the tip. Kernels should be milky and juicy. Remove outer husks but allow a short shank and the inner husks to remain.

• Cucumbers, Pickling: 3 to 5 inches long. Specimens should be the same stage of maturity and uniform in size, shape and color.

• Cucumbers, Slicers: select specimens that are straight and dark green; about 6 to 10 inches long. Specimens should be uniform in size, shape and color.

• Kohlrabi: Roots should be removed just below the ball. Remove all but the upper 4 to 6 leaves. Select specimens that are a uniform medium size and not hard or woody. Skin should be easily punctured by a thumbnail. Specimens should be clean, but not washed.

• Onions: Specimens should be mature and thoroughly cured. The neck should be small. Do not peel to give a slick appearance. Only outer scales that are broken or discolored should be removed. Small basal roots should be left intact but trimmed to a uniform length. Wipe or brush clean, but do not wash.

• Potatoes: Tubers should be uniform in size, shape and color. Washing is permitted, but unwashed, clean potatoes are preferred. Be careful not to blemish the skin by scrubbing. Avoid specimens with defects or disease.

• Rhubarb: Select specimens that are straight, uniform and unblemished. Stalks should be pulled from the plant, not cut.
Trim leaf blade to 1 inch above the stalk.

• Summer Squash: Select small to medium size fruits when the rind is soft and easily punctured with a thumbnail. Leave about ½"
of stem and wipe fruits clean.

• Winter Squash and Pumpkins: Select mature specimens when the rind resists the pressure of the thumbnail. Each should be free of defects. Leave stems attached.

• Swiss Chard: Select plants that are fresh, crisp and have bright green leaves. Trim off roots and trim butts to a pyramid shape.
Trim off diseased and broken leaves on the outside until color is uniform.

• Tomatoes: Select fruits that are uniform in size, shape and color. Remove stems. Fruits should be perfectly shaped and free of cracks and blemishes.

• People want to know what you are planting. So they can plant the varieties you are. Thanks!

CLASS 1 - Garden Vegetables

Please include variety name!
  • 1st - $3.00
  • 2nd - $2.00
  • 3rd - $1.00


1. Beans, edible, green pod, 10 specimens
2. Beans, edible, purple pod, 10 specimens
3. Beans, edible, yellow pod, 10 specimens
4. Beans, serving, 10 specimens
5. Beans, any variety, 10 specimens
6. Beets, for table use, 4 specimens
7. Broccoli, one bunch
8. Brussel Sprouts
9. Cabbage, early, 1 specimen
10. Cabbage, late, 1 specimen
11. Cabbage, red, 1 specimen
12. Carrots, for table use, 4 specimens
13. Carrots, any other variety, 4 specimens
14. Cauliflower, 1 specimen
15. Celery, 1 bunch
16. Corn, yellow, 3 specimens
17. Corn, bicolor, 3 specimens
18. Corn, white, 3 specimens
19. Cucumbers, pickling, 8 specimens
20. Cucumbers, slicers, 3 specimens
21. Cucumbers, burpless or English, 3 specimens
22. Eggplant, 1 specimen
23. Endive, 1 specimen
24. Fennel, 1 specimen
25. Gourds, mited, 5 specimens
26. Kale, 1 specimen
27. Kohlrabi, purple, 1 specimen
28. Kohlrabi, green, 1 specimen
29. Lettuce, head, 1 specimen
30. Lettuce, leaf, 3 plants
31. Garlic, 1 bunch
32. Onions, green bunching, 6 specimens
33. Onions, yellow, 4 specimens
34. Onions, white, 4 specimens
35. Onions, red, 4 specimens
36. Parsnips, 3 specimens
37. Peas, in pop, 10 specimens
38. Peas, edible, 10 specimens
39. Peppers, greenbell, 3 specimens
40. Peppers, bell other colors, 3 specimens
41. Peppers, sweet banana, 3 specimens
42. Peppers, hot banana, 3 specimens
43. Peppers, long hot, 3 specimens
44. Peppers, hot any other variety, 3 specimens
45. Peppers, hot jalepeno, 3 specimens
46. Peppers, heirloom, 3 specimens
47. Pumpkin, field type(carving), 1 specimen
48. Pumpkin, pie type, 1 specimen
49. Pumpkin, miniature, 1 specimen
50. Radishes, summer-type, 6 specimens
51. Radishes, winter-type, 6 specimens
52. Rhubarb, red, 6 specimens
53. Rhubarb, green, 6 specimens
54. Rutabagas, 3 specimens
55. Spinach, 1 plant
56. Squash, hubbard, 1 specimen
57. Squash, summer scalloped, 1 specimen
58. Squash, crookneck, 1 specimen
59. Squash, summer any other, 1 specimen
60. Squash, zucchini, 1 specimen
61. Squash, buttercup, 1 specimen
62. Squash, acorn, 1 specimen
63. Squash, butternut, 1 specimen
64. Squash, spaghetti, 1 specimen
65. Squash, any other winter type, 1 specimen
66. Swiss Chard, 1 plant
67. Tomatoes, ripe, without stems, 4 specimens
68. Tomatoes, paste or roma types, 4 specimens
69. Tomatoes, cherry, red, 4 specimens
70. Tomatoes, pear, red, 4 specimens
71. Tomatoes, pear, yellow, 4 specimens
72. Tomatoes, cherry, other colors, 4 specimens
73. Tomatoes, cherry, green, 4 specimens
74. Tomatoes, slicing green, 4 specimens
75. Tomatoes, heirloom, 4 specimens
76. Tomatoes, grape, 4 specimens
77. Tomatoes, tomatillo, 4 specimens
78. Turnips, for table use, 3 specimens
79. Musk Melon-Cantaloupe, 1 specimen
80. Watermelons, 1 specimen
81. Any unusual vegetable

Please include variety name!
  • 1st - $5.00
  • 2nd - $3.00
  • 3rd - $2.00


82. Individual garden exhibit attractively displayed (14" x l7" area). 1 - 3 vegetables only. Attractiveness is the key to winning!

CLASS 2 - Special Vegetable Exhibit

  • 1st - $5.00
  • 2nd - $3.00
  • 3rd - $2.00


1. Best collection of 10 garden vegetables (potatoes not included)
2. Artistic display of one or more kinds of vegetables designed for home decoration with suitable container, support or background. Herbs are permitted. Plant materials other than garden vegetables (fruits, flowers, etc.) should be excluded.

CLASS 3 - Potatoes

Submit 5 Specimens
Please include variety name!
  • 1st - $5.00
  • 2nd - $3.00
  • 3rd - $2.00


1. Cobbler
2. Kennebec
3. Norkotah
4. Cherokee
5. Norland
6. Powtiac
7. Lasota
8. Russet Burbank
9. Yukon Gold
10. Superior
11. Any white variety
12. Any red variety
13. Any blue variety
14. Any other variety

CLASS 4 - Herbs

  • 1st - $5.00
  • 2nd - $3.00
  • 3rd - $2.00


1. Basil, 3 specimens
2. Chives, 12 stems in rubber band
3. Cilantro, 3 specimens
4. Dill, 3 stalks 6” long
5. Lavender, 3 specimens
6. Lemon Balm, 3 specimens
7. Marjoram, 3 specimens
8. Mint, 3 specimens
9. Oregano, 3 specimens
10. Parsley, plain or curled, 3 specimens
11. Rosemary, 3 specimens
12. Sage, 1 specimen
13. Savory
14. Thyme
15. Other
16. Potted herbs, 1 variety, like parsely or any other variety
17. Mixed herb containers, like a hanging basket, or patio pots, you surprise us!

CLASS 5 - Biggest Division

  • 1st - $3.00
  • 2nd - $2.00
  • 3rd - $1.00


1. Beet
2. Bean
3. Broccoli
4. Cabbage
5. Carrot
6. Cauliflower
7. Cucumber
8. Eggplant
9. Kohlrabi
10. Musk melon
11. Onion
12. Pepper
13. Potato
14. Pumpkin
15. Zucchini Squash
16. Sunflower head
17. Sunflower stalk
18. Tomato
19. Radish
20. Rutabagas
21. Squash any other
22. Turnip
23. Watermelon

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