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Home > Exhibits > General Exhibits > General Exhibit Divisions > DIVISION 'F' GRAIN & CORN



Superintendent: Jerry Quaal. 2498 85th St. NE, Monticello, MN 55362, 763-295-3315

  1. All grains and grasses must be this years crop unless otherwise specified.
  2. The pieces of a collection or display cannot be entered separately for individual premiums.
  3. Bundles or sheaves should be four inches in diameter at its band.
  4. AII exhibits must be correctly labeled with the name of the variety.
  5. Varieties entered for premiums for special purpose must be adapted to such purpose to receive awards.
  6. Premiums will not be awarded to inferior collections or specimens even if there is no competition.
  7. Due to the earliness of the season, premiums will be paid on last year's corn. This year's corn may be shown and the same premiums apply.

CLASS 1 - Corn

  • 1st - $3.00
  • 2nd - $2.00
  • 3rd - $1.00


1. Ten ear sample, any named hybrid
2. Ten ear sample, sweet corn, any named hybrid
  • 1st - $3.00
  • 2nd - $2.00
  • 3rd - $1.00
3. 5 quart ice cream pail
  • 1st - $5.00
  • 2nd - $3.00
  • 3rd - $2.00
4. 3 stalks of this year's tallest corn
5. Ear corn, 5 types: top pod, flint, sweet, dent & pop

Information to include with corn:
  • Maturity rating
  • Date harvested

CLASS 2 - Grains & Field Seeds (2 Quarts)

  • 1st - $3.00
  • 2nd - $2.00
  • 3rd - $1.00


1. Spring Wheat, any variety
2. Winter Wheat, any variety
3. Soybeans, any variety
4. Oats, any variety
5. Barley, any variety
6. Rye, any variety
7. Red Clover, mammoth or medium
8. Alfalfa, any variety
9. Bromus
  • 1st - $3.00
  • 2nd - $2.00
  • 3rd - $1.00
10. Flax, any variety
  • 1st - $5.00
  • 2nd - $3.00
  • 3rd - $2.00
11. Display of grain and field seeds, 6 varieties (judged on quality)
12. Soybeans, most pods on a plant, must have 2 beans in each pod to qualify, bring roots and whole plant, 3 plants required, average taken

CLASS 3 - Certified Seed (4 Quarts)

Sponsored by the Wright County Crop Improvement Assoc.
  • 1st - $3.00
  • 2nd - $2.00
  • 3rd - $1.00


1. Oats, any variety
2. Winter Wheat, any variety
3. Winter Rye, any variety
4. Soybeans, any variety

CLASS 4 - Bundle of Grain

(Diameter 2 inches at middle band and full length, correctly labeled.)
  • 1st - $5.00
  • 2nd - $3.00
  • 3rd - $2.00


1. Display of bundled grain, not less than 6 varieties. Neatness and attractiveness will be considered.

CLASS 5 - Hay

Hay exhibits shall be a small slice, approximately 6 to 12 inches, of the standard size of a commercial bale of hay. Bales not uniform in size, and/or unattractive, will be disqualified. Neatness and attractiveness are very important factors when judging hay exhibits.

Information to include with alfalfa:
  • Date harvested
  • First or second cutting
  • Estimate % legume and % grass
Information to include with corn:
  • Maturity rating
  • Date harvested
  • 1st - $3.00
  • 2nd - $2.00
  • 3rd - $1.00


1. Alfalfa, New Crop
2. Medium red or mammoth clover
3. Mixed alfalfa and tame grasses
4. Mixed clover and tame grasses
5. Brome grass, Timothy, meadow fescue
6. Soybean hay
7. Chopped alfalfa hay, full peck size
8. Hay silage, 1 gallon, sealed in jar
9. Corn silage, 1 gallon, sealed in jar
10. Bird Foot Tree Foil

CLASS 6 - Scarecrow Contest

  • 1st - $25.00
  • 2nd - $15.00
  • 3rd - $10.00
1. Scarecrows must be free standing and not over 8 feet tall or under 3 feet tall. Must be handmade and constructed of materials that withstand the weather. Plant materials used must be dry.

2. Judging is based on the following:
    • Creativity and originality.
    • Character — Iikeness of a person.
    • How materials are utilized.
3. Exhibits entered must be delivered to the Superintendent in the crops building

4. Scarecrows will be on display in the Crops Building until 7:00 PM on the last day of the fair.

CLASS 7 - Dress the Vegetables Contest

Bring your tastefully dressed vegetables to the Wright County Fair Crops Building, on Entry Day! Be creative!
  • 1st - $5.00
  • 2nd - $3.00
  • 3rd - $2.00
1. 6 & under
2. 7 - 10
3. 11 & over

Judges reserve the right to disqualify any inappropriately dressed vegetable.

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